Transfer agent & stock purchase plan
Computershare is TI's transfer agent and handles all administrative matters regarding TI stock registered with Texas Instruments. Examples include changes in your name, address and stock ownership; what to do if a certificate has been lost, destroyed or stolen; and how to participate in a direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment plan for TI stock.
If stock is owned through a broker, you need to contact the broker directly to address these types of issues.
You may contact Computershare at:
Stockholder correspondence
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006
Overnight correspondence
150 Royall Street, Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
(800) 981-8676 (toll-free in U.S. and Canada)
(312) 360-5151
Online inquiries
Stock purchase & dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP)
Computershare sponsors and administers a direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment plan (Computershare CIPSM) for those wanting to buy, hold or sell shares of TI stock. Through their program, you can buy and sell TI shares directly rather than dealing with a broker. The program is available to both current stockholders or individuals who wish to make an initial purchase of TI stock. It is designed for long-term investors who wish to invest and build their share ownership over time.
For a plan description, terms and conditions, schedule of fees, and other inquiries regarding the CIP plan, contact Computershare. Address mail inquiries to Computershare CIP in care of Computershare Investor Services at the addresses listed above. CIP is not sponsored or administered by TI.